Privileged instructions
Privileged instructions are instructions that Dauug|36 uses to provide for and govern separation between user programs. This requires capabilities that must not be granted to user programs, or separation (sometimes informally called security) cannot be guaranteed. Every instruction described in this section can create havoc if misused. A program that contains one or more privileged instructions is called a privileged program.
It is difficult to categorize privileged instructions, due to overlap in both purpose and which components participate. Here is a system of four categories:
- unrestricted memory instructions
- identity-modifying instructions
- pseudo-instructions
- program initialization instructions
Because there are only about 25 privileged instructions, all instructions (instead of representative samples) are listed below for each category. Further information appears in the pages that are grouped under this one.
Unrestricted memory instructions
Of the ten memory instructions, five are simply privileged versions of nonprivileged instructions. That is, their privileged version (left column) bypasses the page table, but otherwise does what their nonprivileged counterpart (middle column) does.
Opcode | Acts like | Description |
add and read data memory* |
LD |
read data memory |
read and write data memory |
write data memory |
WDM2 |
STO2 |
write data memory twice |
*Minor differences exist due to page table side effects.
The five remaining memory instructions read and write the code memory and the page table. These have no nonprivileged counterparts.
Opcode | Description |
RCM1 |
read code memory 1 |
RCM2 |
read code memory 2 |
read page table |
write code memory |
write page table |
(Due to timing constraints and high net contention, reading an instruction from code memory requires an uninterrupted two-instruction sequence.)
Identity-modifying instructions
The Dauug|36 concept of user identity is expressed as an 8-bit register that holds the current user. By “user,” we mean a resource user of the CPU; that is, a running program. This 8-bit user contributes eight bits to addresses for these SRAMs:
- register file
- return address stack
- page table
The identity-modifying instructions manipulate these eight contributed bits, either by changing them at their source (the 8-bit register), or AND
ing them out downstream to indicate eight zero bits—user 0 is the superuser—to the register file, return address stack, or page table.
In this list of the identity-modifying instructions, the word “user” refers to a nonprivileged user (not all eight user register bits are zero):
Opcode | Description |
single instruction combining NPRIV and CALL |
use the user’s registers, page table, and call stack |
single instruction combining PRIV and CALL |
read register belonging to user |
write register belonging to user |
use the superuser’s registers, page table, and call stack |
use the superuser’s registers, but the user’s page table and call stack |
set user identity to an 8-bit value |
Aside. The Dauug|36 notion that user 0 is the superuser (is privileged) is an architectural fiction for electrical convenience. Privilege in this architecture is actually asserted by executing a privileged program.
Program initialization instructions
Here are four instructions that don’t fit the category of either memory instructions or identity-modifying instructions. All but XANY
are necessary to initialize programs, and XANY
shortens the amount of code needed to pre-clear 512 user registers by more than 500 instructions.
Opcode | Description |
initialize call stack so all RETURN addresses will be valid |
branch to a register-specified location |
set the number of instructions between multitasking interrupts |
execute a register-specified instruction |
Neither HALT
are used for production assembly language programming, but they nonetheless both have opcodes and documentation.
Opcode | Description |
for simulation only, pauses execution |
context switch template for all instructions |