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Dauug|36 minicomputer documentation

A computer with provable immunity against hacking

Dauug|36 is an open-source minicomputer for critical infrastructure, where the end user has the final say in all design and manufacturing aspects of the hardware.

Unlike contemporary computers that contain non-inspectable, proprietary semiconductor complex logic such as microprocessors, FPGAs, PLDs, and ASICs, the Dauug|36 architecture is built using surface-mount technology using only simple, generic components with dependable characteristics. Inside its security perimeter, a Dauug|36 contains only these logic elements:

It is this last component, synchronous static RAM or SRAM, that makes Dauug|36 a competitive machine for many of today’s applications. The architecture is entirely open-source, and physical inspection of an assembled system requires only millimeter-scale visual observation and continuity testing. Only maker-scale assembly tools are necessary, allowing the builder to use hot air hand soldering with tweezers, a reflow oven with a small pick-and-place machine, or any combination. Neither a semiconductor foundry nor purchased VLSI complex logic are involved in sourcing the minicomputer.

Dauug|36 security benefits

Dauug|36 was designed from scratch to exclude exploitable hardware defects, whether they originate in longstanding custom (e.g. arithmetic wraparound), undue complexity (e.g. RowHammer, Spectre, Meltdown), or intentional backdoors (e.g. Clipper). There is no dependence on foreign countries—regardless of where you are—or semiconductor companies for trustworthiness, because the system owner’s own soldering and firmware determines the logical connectivity and operation of the computer. There isn’t a microprocessor or anything like one anywhere in the design.

Compare the following Dauug|36 characteristics to any other computer architecture on the planet, and decide for yourself.

Dauug|36 specifications

System classification solder-defined minicomputer
Logic family SRAM with 74AUC
Memory protection paged virtual memory
Multitasking cooperative or preemptive
Word size 36 bits
CPU speed 16–20 MIPS
Number of opcodes 190 and counting
Maximum code RAM 4Mi × 36 bits
Maximum data RAM 8Mi × 36 bits
Registers per program 512
Programs ready to run 256
I/O buses planned: SPI and I2C
Hardware license CC BY 4.0 Intl.
Firmware license CC BY 4.0 Intl.
Operating system Osmin or owner-supplied
Design lifespan 30 years
Manufacturer anyone

Dauug|36 limitations

Because Dauug|36 is built at human-visible scale, the speed of light and capability of the underlying components produce a different kind of computer than any other on the planet. Compared to recent single-board computers, a Dauug|36 minicomputer is larger (about 25 x 25 cm), more costly ($1,000–$2,000), slower (about 16 million instructions per second, or MIPS), offers less primary storage (4 Mi x 36 bits code + 8 Mi x 36 bits data), and requires more power (10 watts estimated). Moreover, Dauug|36 breaks compatibility with every prior computer on the planet so that its design can be correct. But for applications where these drawbacks are acceptable (and there are more than most people realize), provable immunity to hacking makes this architecture very attractive.

Present status and progress toward availability

Once the prototype is working, anyone who downloads the hardware design and firmware will be able to replicate the machine.

Marc W. Abel
Computer Science and Engineering
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Without secure hardware, there is no secure software.