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Dauug|36 minicomputer documentation

Content management system for documentation

The information contained in this website is written and maintained using a content management system I wrote specifically to house Dauug|36 documentation. The page you are reading now is the first page of the documentation for the documentation system.

If you are only interested in learning about the Dauug|36 architecture, but you don’t plan to add to or revise the architecture’s documentation, you can safely skip to the next major topic.


Over three years, I wrote hundreds of pages of Dauug|36 documentation using LaTeX and LibreOffice. Neither is well suited for this purpose, especially with the heavy mixing of italic, bold, and monospace type within the text. These were not the only awkward features.

As of Memorial Day 2023, I faced a large backlog of unwritten documentation for recently implemented features of the architecture. LaTeX and LibreOffice were contributing factors. I made two decisions:

1. Going forward, my policy will be to document additions to Dauug|36 prior to implementing them.

2. I would write a custom content management system (CMS) to format, house, and disseminate the new documentation.

I started documenting the new CMS on Memorial Day, and then I wrote the code. The CMS without syntax highlighting is only around 1000 lines of Python; it turns out that its documentation is about the same length.

Missing features

Over time, the following may appear in some form:

Marc W. Abel
Computer Science and Engineering
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Without secure hardware, there is no secure software.